IdeaChain is designed to improve reading (and listening) comprehension.
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IdeaChain is a product of MindPrime, Inc.

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Using IdeaChain Outside the Lesson

Client Exchange

Using IdeaChain Outside the Lesson

There are innumerable ways to use what you have learned whether your student is on Lesson 1 or Lesson 6. The applications discussed here can be used as is, adapted to your student, or read to give you new ideas. The applications for any lesson are appropriate for that lesson and any lesson beyond that one. When you need ideas, look back through earlier lessons as well as the lesson you are on.

Please send us any suggestions that worked well for your student. Your suggestions may be submitted at Client Exchange.

Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Lesson 6

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800-460-8484      401 Franklin Avenue, Waco,TX, 76701-2127    
MindPrime and IdeaChain are registered trademarks of MindPrime, Inc.