IdeaChain is designed to improve reading (and listening) comprehension.
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IdeaChain is a product of MindPrime, Inc.

Pre-Lesson Tips & Notes

Pre-Lesson Profile & Post-Lesson Profiles

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Using IdeaChain Outside the Lesson

Client Exchange

Client Support
Hello, and welcome to the Client Center. We're glad to have you! Our goal is to give you superior, ongoing, interactive support in the use of MindPrime's IdeaChain program. Please go directly to the support area of your choice or review the brief outline of services below.

Let's take a tour of the Client Center. There are five sections.
Section When To Use Purpose
Pre-Lesson Tips & Notes Before you begin a lesson These are suggestions or notes that may not be written into the overview, but may be helpful with the lesson. Some ideas are observations that have come from clients.
Pre-Lesson Profile & Post-Lesson Profiles Before you begin Lesson 1

When you finish a lesson
The initial profile helps you record a baseline picture of where your student stands now.

Each succeeding profile allows you to track the growth your student experiences from lesson to lesson.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) During a lesson These questions usually refer to:
How to do the lesson

How to motivate a student
Using IdeaChain Outside the Lesson TBA TBA
Client Exchange To share a great idea or to get ideas from other clients As a client, you are our best teacher. Please share ideas about what you have found effective in working with your student.
In addition to the above listed categories, we have created an area called Success Stories. In this area, you can celebrate your victories, be inspired, and rejoice with other clients who see their students beginning to understand and develop a love of reading. In Success Stories, you have a forum where you can celebrate your successes with individuals who have "been there." To see a light in the distance when you need encouragement. To give your students a forum where they can see their victories displayed.

At times we repeat information in more than one place so that you can find it relative to different needs. If you find something that you have read before in another place, please patiently skip to the next item.

As you use the Client Center we welcome your feedback. Let us know how we're doing and how we can serve you better.

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Copyright 1999-2003, MindPrime Inc.
800-460-8484      401 Franklin Avenue, Waco,TX, 76701-2127    
MindPrime and IdeaChain are registered trademarks of MindPrime, Inc.